My March Budget

My March Budget

It's almost one year since I've become debt-free (kind of), and I have to say, I'm loving all the ways my budget has changed in just one year. I love that I get to put so much towards savings, that I have more room to spend on food and things, and that I'm investing consistently.  [...]

Setting Audacious Goals

Setting Audacious Goals

2020 is almost here-- and I haven't been so excited for a new year in a really long time. I don't know what it is, but I've always found that setting resolutions and goals for the year ahead felt arbitrary and not particularly motivating for me. But, at the same time, my life has always [...]

October 2019 Net Worth Update

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla via I'm nervous. I haven't done a net worth update since April, but I did check my net worth again in September, and I wasn't happy. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it ended up being just a little higher than the April net worth I tracked. It made sense, [...]